
About Emily
Hi! I'm Emily. I'm a Christian, journalist and aspiring children's book author who loves to get lost in a book, in prayer, in nature and in good conversation with friends (preferably over a good meal). I often find truth when I'm lost in these simple pleasures of life. Books: I like reading books that give me a glimpse into who God is and how He sees me and others. Prayer: I've been keeping my prayers in journals for longer than I haven't, and find it my tried and true way to connect with the Spirit in my spirit. But I've also recently become passionate about experiencing many different forms of prayer. Nature: God uses nature as His love language to me. Shivering pale yellow leaves against slate colored branches send a love letter right to my heart. A chipmunk darting from the bush lets me know He sees me. Community: I've become convinced that loving neighbors is my simplest, most primary task as a follower of Jesus. Building relationships with close friends, as well as helping my global "neighbors," I believe, has eternal worth.

About Behold & Reflect
I'll be honest, this blog isn't what it used to be and will be even more different in the future. For one, I've changed my name twice... and my url possibly more than that! What began as a place to record my thoughts on books I was reading, and to help me apply to publishers' blogger programs for free books, has become a place where I'm finding my voice. Specifically, I want that voice to be a product of gazing at Jesus and becoming more like him, or, beholding and reflecting His glory (2 Corinthians 3:18,) until I'm transformed into the same image at His return. 

So all that is nice and inspiring, but what is this blog, really?

Glad you asked! Behold & Reflect posts will focus on three main topics: 
  • My experiences with a variety of both traditional and innovative forms of prayer
  • Ideas for building character through children's literature (see photo below)
  • Stories about intentionally pursuing intimate community with other believers. 

There will also be lots and lots of reviews of bibles, children's lit, memoirs, biographies, poetry, self-help, history, fiction, cookbooks and more sprinkled throughout, as that has been the blog's bread and butter for most of its humble existence!

Emily, Oliver, Stephen, Rockam and Joe Parrino pose in July 2013 for a rare family portrait on steps at the lovely Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn.

About The Parrinos
We are a family of five, made up of veteran and budding bookworms. Joe and I grew up in large Midwestern cities, but lived in Asia for a couple of years before settling down in Western Kentucky for nine years. In 2015, we moved back to the place we met, Cleveland, Ohio. Though we started out as a reporter/editor duo at a daily newspaper, and we still maintain our journalistic roots, we've moved on to new careers. Joe teaches social studies, and I volunteer at Birchwood School.We both love reading books, articles and blog posts that inspire, uplift, educate, humor, challenge, broaden and edify. We both read through the lens of our Christian upbringings, journalistic education, and progressive leanings. Joe has a couple of guest posts that you might dig up in the archives. We hope you'll join the conversation by leaving comments.

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