Philippians 4:8 (NLT)
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Baby Sloths
So, my husband and I like to make fun of adult sloths, big scruffy animals that take about 10 minutes to shift positions in a tree. Baby sloths appear to be 10 times more energetic and 100 times more adorable than adults. As you can tell, there's absolutely no rhyme or reason to my list of winsome on the web. These are just the little happy distractions I need to break up the cold winter days.
Worthy of praise
Charley Harper is one of my favorite artists because he combined great design with depictions of the natural world rich with personality. Here's a little video about what made him so special.
Our Favorite Kid's Bible
Whenever Ollie says, "I wanna read God!" he's referring to The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm and illustrated by Gail Schoonmaker. And I'm so glad this is the one that best holds his interest because it is also the easiest for me to read in large swaths because of its big full-bleed art and poetic but minimal text on each page. What this Bible excels at is creating an overall picture of the thread running through the entire bible: A God who loves His people so much that He steadfastly pursues them and cares for them even though they are continually doubting His goodness and disobeying Him.
Jesus You're My Super Hero brick movie
Ok, so this video made the winsome list not because I agree with the theological trajectory of this song, but because it made my boys go crazy on Sunday after we finished creating our Lego Duplo garden of Eden scene. And because I think worship should be fun. Stephen and Rockam got into it by coming up with other superheros and toys to insert in the Jesus is "better than ___________" segment of the song.
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